Episode 216: Creating a Grand Vision For Your Future: Steps to a More Meaningful Life
August 20, 2024
When we keep the big picture in mind, it helps us enjoy the present moment more fully.
I recently came across a quote by Dan Sullivan: "If you want a better today, you need a bigger vision for your future." The scriptures echoes this too—we need a vision to guide us. It's easy to get lost in the daily grind, but we have to remember what truly matters and who we need to become to fulfill our vision.
I’ll share a quick personal story. My daughter Elea, who dreams of dancing on Broadway, has ALWAYS held onto her vision.
I remember when we first went to a meeting with a highschool counselor to talk about her future. She told him she wanted to go to dance college, and she wanted to be a Broadway dancer. And he looked at her like he thought she was kind of crazy!
Like, basically, I think he was thinking in the back of his mind, don't you want to do something more practical? But she has held this vision for herself for so long that this is what she wants to do, and she's been making plans for it.
It's been such an inspiration to me.
And I remember when I started teaching my clients that, like, what would happen if you believed that your best days are ahead? That there's still a grand adventure out there for you, that there's still something amazing for you to do??
When you believe that, it makes it so much easier to keep going today! To get in the nitty gritty of today and to really take action and to show up powerfully in the way that you want to.
I've been learning this over the years, but I see so often still areas in my own self where I forget.
Today, I want to encourage you to think about your vision for the future in your personal life, relationships, purpose, and how you spend your time and resources. What if you haven’t even scratched the surface of what’s possible? What if your best days are still ahead?
And I love thinking about, even as amazing as my life is right now, what would it be like if we're just getting started, if we're just scratching the surface, if the future's so bright and the life and the impact that I'll be able to create in five years or ten years, it won't even hold a candle to that.
I just want you to think about this for your life. Because I think it's so easy for us to get stuck in the day to day grind, for us to get stuck in the worries and stuck in the frustrations. And we forget why we're here, we forget what's important to us, what really matters to us.
By creating a grand vision for your future, you’ll find more energy, purpose, and joy in your daily life!! Take some time to journal and decide on purpose how you want your future to look. I promise it will make today more meaningful.
If you like this episode, check out some of our other favorites here:
Ep 183: Building Your Dream Business, Foster Care, & All Things Friendship Ft. Tanner Bell
Ep 185: Why You Need A Morning Routine!
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