Episode 218: Are You Struggling With Low Energy? 4 Surprising Things That Are Stealing Your Energy!

August 26, 2024


Are you finding yourself stuck in a low-energy rut? 

Whether you're dealing with a mild case of the "blahs" or you're completely drained, today we are talking all about uncovering what’s zapping your energy and, more importantly, how you can start reclaiming it.

But first, a quick catch-up—it's a gorgeous Monday here, and we’re just five days away from the first UT football game! Excitement is in the air, especially with Emme’s engagement party coming up this weekend. Speaking of excitement, I’ve got a funny story for you. Stevie and I had a low-key weekend at home with Tommy, our dog. We spent some time on the lake, trying our hand at wake surfing tricks. 

Well, Stevie decided it was time for us to level up our game—on a skimboard, no less. Let's just say I face-planted more times than I’d care to admit, and I ended up with a sinus full of lake water. But it was a blast!

After our lake adventures, I found myself utterly exhausted, even needing a quick nap to recover. It got me thinking about how essential it is to have the energy to do what really matters. 

Whether it’s showing up fully for your family, bringing your A-game to work, or just enjoying life’s little moments, energy is the fuel that powers it all. So, what’s been stealing your energy lately? 

Let’s dive into the four surprising things that might be draining your shine and how you can start reclaiming it today!

1. Your Thoughts and Beliefs

Believe it or not, the thoughts and beliefs you carry around with you every day are either giving you energy or draining it. The sentences running through your mind—like “I’m too tired,” or “I can’t handle this”—can create a heavy, sluggish feeling that makes everything seem harder. It’s like trying to walk through quicksand.

If you’re constantly telling yourself that your best days are behind you or that you’ll never feel healthy again, it’s no wonder you’re feeling drained. It’s crucial to focus on thoughts that inspire and motivate you. Setting goals, having intentions, and deciding what really matters can transform your energy levels. When you give your brain something positive and exciting to focus on, it stops defaulting to the worst-case scenario, and you start to see a shift in your energy.

2. Your Relationship Patterns

As women in midlife, we often fall into patterns of people-pleasing or looking to others for validation. We might find ourselves constantly checking in with our spouse or kids to see if we should be in a good mood or not. This habit of delegating our emotional life to others can be incredibly draining.

When you allow other people’s moods and actions to dictate your own emotional state, you’re essentially giving away your power—and your energy. Instead, take charge of your emotions. Decide how you want to feel and set the temperature for your own experience. This shift not only frees up energy but also helps you live with more intention and joy.

3. Your Stress Response

If you’re anything like me, you might have a strong fight-or-flight response, especially if you’ve experienced trauma. This stress response can be a huge energy drain. When you’re constantly in a state of anxiety or worry, your body is burning through energy just trying to stay calm and regulated.

Learning to recognize when you’re in this heightened state and practicing techniques to calm your nervous system can make a world of difference. Over time, as you build resilience and learn to manage stress, you’ll find that you have more energy to devote to the things that truly matter.

4. Your Daily Habits

Finally, let’s talk about your daily habits. Everything from how you sleep and wake up, to what you eat and how much you move, contributes to your energy levels. Are your daily routines nourishing you, or are they depleting you?

Take a look at your habits around food, exercise, and sleep. Are you fueling your body with what it needs to thrive? Are you getting enough movement to keep your energy levels up? By making small changes in these areas, you can significantly impact your overall energy and well-being.

As you begin to address these four areas—your thoughts, relationships, stress response, and daily habits—you’ll start to free up energy that you might not even realize you were losing. This newfound energy will allow you to show up more fully in your life, living each day with purpose and joy.

Remember, life is short, and your energy is finite. 

If you’re spending it on things that drain you, you won’t have enough left for what truly matters. But by taking small steps to reclaim your energy, you’ll find that you can live with more meaning, intention, and happiness every day.

Thank you so much for joining me today! Take care of your precious energy!

Bye for now,




If you like this episode, check out some of our other favorites here: 

Ep 183: Building Your Dream Business, Foster Care, & All Things Friendship Ft. Tanner Bell

Ep 185: Why You Need A Morning Routine!

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