147. How to Create More Time: 5 Powerful but Simple Ideas
Your thoughts and emotions produce your experience of life so if you're constantly saying, "I don't have time" or "Time is slipping away" or "There's never enough time and money" you will create an experience of LACK. You'll FEEL that sense of scarcity.
Time management is really more about self-management. How are you managing yourself
The first command—-Be fruitful and multiply. Multiply your joy, your love, your creativity, your play, and your time.
How long is this going to matter? What can I do right now that will make the quality of my life better?
Spend time on things that give you time. What we say no to today creates more time for us tomorrow. You are always saying no to something. If you can't eliminate the task, can you create a process for it?
How I create more time AND create a life that feels full and meaningful and joyful:
Slow down—do things that are slow, do things slower, cultivate plenty of free time. Make the most of your down time, treat the weekend like a vacation.
Do more of what matters (play, rest, active activities versus passive )
Procrastinate on purpose—there's a difference in waiting to do something because we know that now is not the right time, sometimes if you procrastinate enough, the issue becomes a non issue
Eliminate, delegate, automate what you can. You can't do everything, so what do you want to do WELL!
If you want help creating ABUNDANCE and TIME and MONEY, join us in LIFE MENTORING SCHOOL this month!
Just go to http://ediewadsworthcoaching.com/enroll and start creating your life on purpose!
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